Last January a long stretch of frigid weather caused the bay to freeze over behind Avalon & Stone Harbor. After lows in the teens midweek, temperatures will slowly increase again this weekend, and will hit the forties again early next week.
$42,000 FLOOD INSURANCE SAVINGS: The Borough of Avalon will save more than $42,000 in flood insurance premiums after conducting a self-initiated internal audit of flood coverage for its facilities. After evaluating borough facilities, including property values, contents, and the need for flood coverage, the borough was able to reduce its flood premiums by $42,772. Avalon Mayor Martin Pagliughi said, “I appreciate the months-long effort by our professionals to verify and update all information regarding our critical infrastructure in order to make necessary adjustments in our flood insurance policies that result in insured facilities at the best price possible.”
SEA ISLE BOULEVARD IS OPEN to traffic after a lengthy construction project raised the causeway several feet, making the roadway more resistant to flooding. Resurfacing and striping of the road occurred earlier this month, and a final layer of asphalt will be laid before summer. The $12.7 million project raised the roadway four to five feet, placing it above the 100-year floodplain.
ROMANCE ON THE RAILS: Cape May Seashore Lines will run Valentine’s Express trains on Friday, February 8th (6pm & 8pm) and Saturday, February 9th (4pm & 6pm). The 60-plus minute round trip ride will depart from the CMSL station in Richland, and include hot and cold hors d’oeuvres in the CafĂ©, Lounge, and Observation cars. Seating in those cars is for adults age 21 and over, as it’s a BYOB event. Regular Coach seating is available too, without the Valentine’s Express amenities. Visit www.CapeMaySeashoreLines.org for more information and tickets.
AVOID FROZEN PIPES! With periodic blasts of cold air now rolling through the area during the heart of winter, make sure your house is prepared! Outside water lines should be shut off and winterized, and crawl space vents should be closed to prevent icy winds from freezing pipes inside. If your interior water system is not shut off and drained, maintain an interior temperature of 55 degrees to keep pipes warm. Opening cabinet doors beneath sinks helps heated air reach pipes. In extreme conditions, allowing the faucet to drip, or trickle slowly, helps prevent pipes from freezing, especially if they’re located in outside walls. Contact your plumber for additional advice or unusual situations. Need a plumber? Call or email me for a recommendation!
SUPER BASH XVI! “Friend in Need” was founded in 2003 by a group of Avalon residents to support a member of the community in need of help; this year Friend in Need hosts its sixteenth annual Super Bash at The Princeton in Avalon during the Super Bowl. Enjoy food, drinks, and the big game while raising money for charity! For info and tickets click here: https://www.princetonbar.com/events-at-the-princeton/super-bash-xvi-charity-fundraiser-princeton
WARM UP WITH SOME GOOD READING! Dreaming of warm sunshine and gentle ocean breezes? Summer will be here before you know it! Check out our 2019 Rental Guide and make your vacation plans now! Click here to view it: https://www.flipsnack.com/franzeographics/long-and-foster-avalon-stone-harbor-rental-brochure-fd1kyp3nr.html
- Fire Pit Friday at the Willow Creek Farm & Winery, music, full wine & tapas menu, 609-770-8782 for info & reserved seating, 5:30-9PM, Friday, February 1
- Presentation by historian Jerry McNeff, “John & Abigail Adams, The 1st American Power Couple,” Avalon Free Public Library, 1-2PM, Saturday, February 2
- Friend in Need Super Bowl Bash, silent auction, raffle, big screen TV’s, food, beverages, The Princeton, beginning at 4:30PM, Sunday, February 3
- Avalon Home and Land Owners Association meeting featuring a guest speaker from Cape Express, Avalon’s Senior Center, 10AM, Saturday, February 9
- Genealogy & Ancestry with Casey Zahn, learn about your family history & tracing your roots, register at 609-967-7155, Avalon Free Public Library, 2-4PM, Saturday, February 9
- ‘Wine & Chocolate’ Wine Trail Weekend at Hawk Haven Vineyard, Saturday, February 9
- Sea Isle City Polar Bear Weekend, festivities all weekend with the plunge on Saturday, February 16 at 2PM, Friday-Sunday, February 15-17
- Avalon Beach Party, bring the kids for an indoor beach party including the limbo, music, crafts and a game, Avalon Free Public Library, 10-11AM, Saturday, February 16
- Creative Writing Seminar, tips & feedback on poetry, stories, books, etc. register at 609-967-7155, Avalon Free Public Library, 10AM-Noon, Saturday, February 16
- Beck’s Philadelphia Brigade Band, music from an authentic Civil War era brass band performed in dress uniform to commemorate Presidents’ Day, Avalon Free Public Library, 2-3PM, Saturday, February 16
- Uncorked Comedy at Willow Creek Farm & Winery, 3 course wine paired dinner & comedy show, 6-10PM, Saturday, February 16
- Third Saturday Comedy with Headliner Tim Krompier & featuring Bob Marsdale, Harbor Square Theater in Stone Harbor, 9PM, Saturday, February16
- Pick a Language to Learn with Cathy Zane using numerous offerings in Rosetta Stone or Mago, Avalon Free Public Library, 10-11:30AM, Saturday, February, 23
- Windows Computers & Android Smart Phone Drop In-Tech Workshop, help with your computer, phone, software or an app, Avalon Free Public Library, 11:30AM-1PM, Saturday, February 23
- The Storm of ’62 Slide Show depicting the storm & its impact, Avalon History Center at 215-39th Street, 1-2PM, Saturday, March 2
- Stone Harbor Shiver Polar Plunge Pre-Shiver party, The Reeds, 6-9PM, Friday, March 15
- Kegs & Eggs Pre-Shiver Celebration, Fred’s Tavern, 10AM, Saturday, March 16
- Parade to the 96th Street beach from behind Fred’s Tavern, Noon, Saturday, March 16
- Stone Harbor Shiver Polar Plunge, 96th Street Beach, following the parade from Fred’s Tavern which begins at Noon, Saturday, March 16
Featured Property:
This oceanfront retreat offers 110 feet along the ocean, with stunning views to match!

95 E. 11th Street, Avalon, $4,900,000, ACTIVE MLS#: 180142
New Listings:
285 102nd Street - A, Stone Harbor, $449,000, ACTIVE MLS#: 185774
695 21st Street, Avalon, $539,000, ACTIVE MLS#: 185813
8001 Second Avenue #112, Stone Harbor, $550,000, ACTIVE MLS#: 185763
286 13th Street #286, Avalon, $629,000, ACTIVE MLS#: 185844
1114 Stone Harbor Blvd. #113, Stone Harbor Manor, $649,000, ACTIVE MLS#: 185858
553 21st Street, Avalon, $1,395,000, ACTIVE MLS#: 185866
883 21st Street #883, Avalon, $2,395,000, ACTIVE MLS#: 185755
893 21st Street #893, Avalon, $2,395,000, ACTIVE MLS#: 185760
221 56th St., Avalon, $3,195,000, ACTIVE MLS#: 185816
10315 Sunrise Drive, Stone Harbor, $3,850,000, ACTIVE MLS#: 185839
51 Pelican Drive, Avalon, $5,395,000, ACTIVE MLS#: 185790
2 111th Street, Stone Harbor, $7,950,000, ACTIVE MLS#: 185828
Properties Under Contract:
305 109th Street, Stone Harbor, $835,000, UNDER CONTRACT MLS#: 180598
527 22nd Street, Avalon, $1,249,000, UNDER CONTRACT MLS#: 185043
141 30th Street, Avalon, $1,295,000, UNDER CONTRACT MLS#: 184930
6919 Ocean Drive, Avalon, $1,399,000, UNDER CONTRACT MLS#: 180846
12010 Third Avenue, Stone Harbor, $2,199,000, UNDER CONTRACT MLS#: 181696
4345 Fourth Avenue, Avalon, $3,999,000, UNDER CONTRACT MLS#: 185327
Properties Sold:
505 Avalon Boulevard, Avalon Manor, $567,000, SOLD MLS#: 183810
366 40th Street, Avalon, $725,000, SOLD MLS#: 184038
231 118th Street, Stone Harbor, $1,700,000, SOLD MLS#: 184521
5748 Dune Drive, Avalon, $2,475,000, SOLD MLS#: 182705
26 E. 25th Street, Avalon, $3,012,500, SOLD MLS#: 180532
Nancy M. Alexander - Stone Harbor and Avalon NJ Real Estate NancyAlexander.com